A God-centered economic system aims to serve the business need of human life.
tw Donald Wu Chairman, Tainan Enterprises Culture and Art Foundation Taiwan

Reflections on the US-China Trade War and the Spread of the Wuhan Virus

But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.(Micah 4:1-2 KJV)

The US-China trade war has been the focus of the global economy for the past two years. The reason that Trump started the trade war is threefold: the first is the imbalance caused by the longstanding and vast amount of deficit in the US-China trade. The second is that China enforced national power in the market, a severe confrontation to the free market of the Western world. The third is the “Made in China 2025” initiative promoted by the Chinese government and its attempt to dominate world economics. Both nations have restrained from using military tactics, and at the moment, the conflict exists solely on the economic level; nevertheless, the conflict has deep influences and cannot be resolved in the near future. However, independent factories and companies have their own thoughts and plans on the matter, adding to the complexity and unpredictability of the issue.

On March 23rd, 2018, Trump signed the memorandum under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, which charges 600 billion US dollars of tariffs through the 1,300 Chinese goods that are imported into the US. This marked the start of the US-China trade war. Throughout the past two years, the Chinese government has responded through various methods; some nations benefited while others were impeded. In the short term, all nations were faced with negative impacts, but ultimately, a winner will be born. Taiwan economic specialist Hsieh Chin-ho predicts that the US remains the ultimate winner, stating: “Most Chinese will deposit their money overseas; in most cases, they choose the US. However, people in the US will not choose to deposit their earnings in China. The winner is obvious in terms of cash flow.”

For the US, this is an inevitable war on the values of democracy. Originally, the US had hoped that China would become a democratic country after escaping poverty and therefore invested in China through various indirect and direct methods. As a result, China has rapidly grown into the second-largest economy inside of 40 years. However, China’s various actions after their rise have disappointed the US, and the US government is now concerned with the growing threat of China, which led to the US-China trade war. Due to the rise in US import tariffs, the entire US industry supply chain is undergoing change, relocating from China back to the US or other regions as an attempt to impair the threat of China. Despite their current disadvantage, China continues its past tactic, which is to fight as they go along, continuing to build their own economic system toward their China dream. We are nowhere near the end of this war on values!

In addition, China’s CCTV aired a substantial coverage on the outbreak of the Wuhan Virus (2019-nCoV) on January 24th. In truth, the virus had been discovered as early as December 1st last year, and the epidemic spread vastly in a short amount of time. As of February 7th, many Chinese cities have been impacted, and various community outbreaks have been reported, with 3 provinces and 66 cities and towns on lockdown, up to 31,210 confirmed cases, and 636 deaths. These figures are rising quickly each day, and by February 19th, confirmed cases have risen to 72,511, and 1,870 deaths. By the time this article was submitted (February 29), there were up to 79,355 confirmed cases and 2,837 deaths. The increase rate of the number of cases is astonishing. Moreover, the epidemic has spread to many other nations, with 85,806 confirmed cases and 2,933 deaths across 61 countries/regions.

The virus of the century originated from Wuhan, China. It is astonishing how a tiny virus would cause so many casualties, and no regime is powerful enough to fight it. Moreover, the virus has exposed the fragility and hypocrisy of humanity. The virus has more complex and deeper influences in the ongoing US-China trade war.

As Christians, we believe that God allowed these to happen as warnings.

  1. God is the King of kings, the God of gods: the Chinese communist government is an atheist party, and its atheist beliefs are influencing the economy, military, education, culture, and politics of China, resulting in the fallout with theist nations in Europe and America. Moreover, Christian gatherings have fallen under even more control than before, and crosses have even been torn down. In the eyes of the US, a theist nation, these events are intolerable. Some interpret the US-China trade war and the spread of the virus from Wuhan as a result of anger on earth and in heaven. As Christians, we believe that the God who created the universe is the King of kings, the God of gods!
  2. Return to a God-centered economic system: A God-centered economic system aims to serve the business need of human life. When these business activities become weapons for conflict and tools to satisfy personal desire, it is a sign of deviation from the right way. The US-China trade war is not simply a trade war, but a war of values. The different values of capitalism and communism have led to two world wars in the past, and this is like history repeating itself. The US accuses China of affecting the market mechanism of free trade through the power of the state; for instance, Chinese companies use subsidies from the government to control the market, which leads to an unjust market that abuses the mechanisms of the free market. A return to economic systems and businesses that serve the needs of human life is the right way to go.
  3. Revelations from the Bible: Evidently, the US’s policy in raising tariffs, which led to the trade war, has resulted in huge impacts in China. However, China seems to be ignorant of the fact that the original motive of the US is for human activities to return to the state that God intended and to operate under the rules of God. The rapid spread of the Wuhan Virus is heartbreaking, and we will continue to pray for the epidemic; however, we also believe that God still loves the Chinese, and the Wuhan Virus will awaken people from the Chinese Dream. Moreover, as Christians, we should be reminded to return to godly principles and be loyal, good, and knowledgeable servants.

But they know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor. Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth. (Micah 4:12-13 KJV)